State Education Requirements for Licensure and Certification
Missouri State University (University) provides the following information related to educational programs that may meet applicable state
educational requirements for licensure or certification or be required for licensure or certification in a particular state. The Information
provided on this page indicates whether the educational program satisfy the educational requirements for professional licensure and certification
available in the states listed, if known. This information is strictly limited to the University’s determination of whether the following
educational programs, if successfully completed, would be sufficient to meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification
requirements in an applicable State. Missouri State University cannot provide verification of an individual’s ability to meet licensure or
certification requirements unrelated to its educational programming.
This information does not provide any guarantee that any particular state licensure or certification entity will approve or deny an individual
application for licensure. Enrolled students and prospective students are strongly encouraged to contact the University contact indicated on this
page and the State’s licensure entity for any State they may seek licensure or certification.
Please select a program from the dropdown box below to check the state requirements:
Choose a program
ABAN-MS - Applied Behavior Analysis-MS
ACCT-MACC - Accountancy-MACC
ACCT-MACC-E - Accountancy-MACC
ACTA-MACC - Accountancy-Accelerated-MACC
ADGE-GRCT - Adult-Gerntlgy Acute Care-GRCT
AGED-BSED - Agriculture Education-BSED
ARTE-BSED - Art and Design-BSED
ARTE-BSED-PR - Art and Design-BSED-Preadm
ATNG-MATC - Athletic Training, Master of
AUDI-AUD - Audiology-AUD
CHCL-BS - Child and Fam Dev/Chld Life-BS
CHCL-BS-PRE - Child and Fam Dev/Life-BS-Pre
CHFS-BS - Child and Fam Dev/Famly Stu-BS
CHLS-MS - Child Life Studies-MS
CLMH-MS - Counseling/Clin Mental Hlth-MS
CLPY-MS - Psychology/Clinical-MS
CLSC-MS - Counseling/School Counselng-MS
CLSC-MS-W - Counseling/School Counselng-MS
CLSM-BS - Clinical Lab Medical Tech-BS
CMST-BSED - Spch & Theatre Ed/Com-BSED
CMST-BSED-PR - Spch & The Ed/Com-BSED-Preadm
COAG-MS - Counseling/Community Agency-MS
COAS-EDS - Counseling and Assessment-EDS
COMH-MS - Counseling/Mental Health-MS
COMH-MS-E - Counseling/Mental Health-MS
DIET-BS - Dietetics-BS
DIIN-GRCT - Dietetic Internship-GRCT
EACD-BSED - Early Child Educ-BSED
EACD-BSED-PR - Early Child Educ-BSED-Pre Adm
ECSP-MSED - Early Childhd Sped-Acclrt-MSED
EDEL-EDD - Educational Leadership-EDD
EGTS-GRCT-X - Educ of Giftd/Talentd Stu-GRCT
ELED-BSED - Elementary Educ-BSED
ELED-BSED-D - Elementary Educ-BSED
ELED-BSED-K - Elementary Educ-BSED
ELED-BSED-L - Elementary Educ-BSED
ELED-BSED-N - Elementary Educ-BSED
ELED-BSED-P - Elementary Educ-BSED
ELED-BSED-PR - Elementary Educ-BSED-Preadm
ELED-BSED-W - Elementary Educ-BSED
ELEM-MSED - Edu Admin/Elementary-MSED
ELEM-MSED-E - Edu Admin/Elementary-MSED
ELEM-MSED-J - Edu Admin/Elementary-MSED
ELEM-MSED-L - Edu Admin/Elementary-MSED
ELEM-MSED-W - Edu Admin/Elementary-MSED
ELMA-GRCT - Elem Mathematcs Specialst-GRCT
ELMA-GRCT-E - Elem Mathematcs Specialst-GRCT
ELPR-EDS - Edu Admin/Elem Principal-EDS
ELPR-EDS-E - Edu Admin/Elem Principal-EDS
ELPR-EDS-J - Edu Admin/Elem Principal-EDS
ELSC-MS - Counseling/Elementary-MS
ELSC-MS-E - Counseling/Elementary-MS
ELSC-MS-W - Counseling/Elementary-MS
FNPR-GRCT - Family Nurse Practitioner-GRCT
IDCL-BS - Individualized Maj-CLS Dept-BS
INST-BME - Music/Instrumental-BME
INST-BME-PRE - Music/Instrumental-BME-Preadm
MAED-BSED - Mathematics-BSED
MDAS-BSED - Mid Schol Ed/Lang Art&Sci-BSED
MDED-BSED - Middle School Education-BSED
MDLA-BSED - Middl School Ed/Lang Arts-BSED
MDLM-BSED - Mid Schol Ed/Lang Art&Mth-BSED
MDLS-BSED - Mid Schol Ed/Lang Arts&SS-BSED
MDMA-BSED - Middl School Ed/Math-BSED
MDMC-BSED - Mid Schol Ed/Mth & Scienc-BSED
MDMS-BSED - Mid Schol Ed/Mth&Socl Sci-BSED
MDSC-BSED - Middl School Ed/Science-BSED
MDSO-BSED - Middl School Ed/Social Sc-BSED
MDSS-BSED - Mid Schol Ed/Socl Sci&Sci-BSED
NAPB-DNAP - Nurse Anesthesia Pract BS-DNAP
NUAN-MS - Nurse Anesthesia-MS
NUBS-DNP - Family Nurse Practitioner-DNP
NUFN-MSN - Nursing/Family Nur Practnr-MSN
NURG-BSN - Nursing-4-Year Generic-BSN
OCTH-MOT - Occupational Therapy-MOT
PAST-MS - Physician Assistant Studies-MS
PHED-BSED - Physical Educ-BSED
PHED-BSED-PR - Physical Educ-BSED-Pre Adm
PTHE-DPT - Physical Therapy-DPT
SCRD-BS - Radiography/Science-BS
SCRT-BS - Respiratory Therapy/Sci-BS
SECO-MSED - Edu Admin/Secondary-MSED
SECO-MSED-E - Edu Admin/Secondary-MSED
SECO-MSED-J - Edu Admin/Secondary-MSED
SECO-MSED-L - Edu Admin/Secondary-MSED
SECO-MSED-W - Edu Admin/Secondary-MSED
SEEA-MSED - Secondry Edu/Eng-Accelrtd-MSED
SEPR-EDS - Edu Admin/Sec Principal-EDS
SEPR-EDS-E - Edu Admin/Sec Principal-EDS
SEPR-EDS-L - Edu Admin/Sec Principal-EDS
SESC-MS - Counseling/Secondary-MS
SESC-MS-E - Counseling/Secondary-MS
SESC-MS-W - Counseling/Secondary-MS
SEVF-MSED - Secondary Edu/Fam&Cons Sc-MSED
SLPA-MS - Comm Sci & Dis/Sp-Lang Path-MS
SOWK-BSW-PN - Social Work-BSW-Preadm
SOWK-BSW-PRE - Social Work-BSW-Preadm
SPAA-MSED - Special Ed/Autism-Accelrt-MSED
SPAC-MSED - Special Ed/Alternatve Crt-MSED
SPAU-MSED - Special Ed/Autism Spectrm-MSED
SPBL-MSED - Special Ed/Bldns & Low Vn-MSED
SPBL-MSED-X - Special Ed/Bldns & Low Vn-MSED
SPCC-BSED - Special Ed/Cross Catgorcl-BSED
SPDR-GRCT - Special Educatn Director-GRCT
SPVI-MSED - Special Ed/Visual Imparmt-MSED
SPVI-MSED-X - Special Ed/Visual Imparmt-MSED
SUPR-EDS - Edu Admin/Superintendent-EDS
SUPR-EDS-E - Edu Admin/Superintendent-EDS
SUPR-EDS-J - Edu Admin/Superintendent-EDS
SUPR-EDS-W - Edu Admin/Superintendent-EDS
TCAG-TC - Teach Cert-Agriculture 9-12
TCAK-TC - Teach Cert-Art K-12
TCBC-TC - Teach Cert-Biol Cat Sci 9-12
TCBE-TC - Teach Cert-Bus Ed 9-12
TCCE-TC - Teach Cert-Chem Cat Sci 9-12
TCCO-TC - Teach Cert-Counselor K-8
TCCS-TC - Teach Cert-Counselor 7-12
TCEA-TC - Teach Cert-Earth Sci/Cat 9-12
TCEC-TC - Teach Cert-Early Childhood B-3
TCEE-TC - Teach Cert-Elementary Educ 1-6
TCEE-TC-D - Teach Cert-Elementary Educ 1-6
TCEE-TC-L - Teach Cert-Elementary Educ 1-6
TCEE-TC-N - Teach Cert-Elementary Educ 1-6
TCEE-TC-W - Teach Cert-Elementary Educ 1-6
TCEM-TC - Teach Cert-Elem Mth Spclst 1-6
TCEN-TC - Teach Cert-English 9-12
TCFK-TC - Teach Cert-French K-12
TCGK-TC - Teach Cert-German K-12
TCHK-TC - Teach Cert-Health K-12
TCMA-TC - Teach Cert-Mid Sch Agr 5-9
TCMB-TC - Teach Cert-Mid Sch Bus 5-9
TCMD-TC - Teach Cert-Mid Sch Sph-The 5-9
TCMI-TC - Teach Cert-Music Inst K-12
TCML-TC - Teach Cert-Mid Sch Lan Art 5-9
TCMM-TC - Teach Cert-Mid Sch Math 5-9
TCMO-TC - Teach Cert-Mid Sch Soc Sci 5-9
TCMS-TC - Teach Cert-Mid Sch Science 5-9
TCMT-TC - Teach Cert-Mathematics 9-12
TCMV-TC - Teach Cert-Music Voc Chrl K-12
TCPK-TC - Teach Cert-Physical Ed K-12
TCPY-TC - Teach Cert-Physics Ed Cat 9-12
TCSC-TC - Teach Cert-Sch Psy Exam K-12
TCSI-TC - Teach Cert-Spec Ed Blind B-12
TCSK-TC - Teach Cert-Spanish K-12
TCSM-TC - Teach Cert-Sped Ed Cross K-12
TCSR-TC - Teach Cert-Spec Rdg Tchr K-12
TCSS-TC - Teach Cert-Social Science 9-12
TCST-TC - Teach Cert-Speech-Theatre 9-12
TCTS-TC - Teach Cert-TESOL K-12
TCUB-TC - Teach Cert-Unif Sci/Bio 9-12
TCUC-TC - Teach Cert-Unif Sci/Chm 9-12
TCUE-TC - Teach Cert-Unif Sci/Earth 9-12
TCVH-TC - Teach Cert-Family & Con B-12
TDST-BSED - Spch & Theatre Ed/The-BSED
TEAC-MAT - Teaching,Master of Arts in-MAT
TEAC-MAT-W - Teaching,Master of Arts in-MAT
TEAJ-MAT - Teaching,Mastr of Arts-Jop-MAT
VFSC-BSED - Family & Consumer Science-BSED
VOCH-BME-PRE - Music/Vocal Choral-BME-Preadm