Course Listings

Before you get started: Make sure you’re a Bear

Current Missouri State students can register for classes right away.
If you’re a first-time, transfer or returning student, you must first complete your admission process.

Continuing students

Register for classes

Take classes if you’re already a student at Missouri State. Register through My Missouri State.

Readmit students

Apply for readmission

Return to Missouri State if you’ve been gone for one year or longer.

First-time and transfer students

Apply to Missouri State

Not yet a Bear? Become one today.

Courses shown below as INET are traditional online courses. All other courses will be delivered through various modalities. Check with your instructor for details.

  • Undergraduate courses: 100-599
  • Graduate courses: 600-999

Subject Code Section CRN Course Title Credit Hours Dates Days Time Instructor
EDC 345 813 49395 Multicultural Ed Inclusivity 3 08/18/2025-12/11/2025 M 06:35 PM-09:05 PM Sumler, James A.
ELE 410 813 58319 Tchg/Lrng in Elem Classroom 3 08/18/2025-12/11/2025 M 04:00 PM-06:30 PM Sumler, James A.
ELE 500 813 58320 Current Iss/Applctns in Ele-SL 4 08/18/2025-12/11/2025 W 04:00 PM-06:00 PM Biddlecome, Teresa L.
ELE 501 813 58321 Home/Schl/Comnty Reltnships-SL 2 08/18/2025-12/11/2025 T 04:00 PM-05:40 PM Campbell, Bryan W.
LTC 420 813 59891 Personalizng Readng and Writng 3 08/18/2025-12/11/2025 R 04:00 PM-06:30 PM Perkins, Amy B.
LTC 421 813 59895 Practicum-Personlize Rdg Wrtg 2 08/18/2025-12/11/2025 R 06:35 PM-08:15 PM Perkins, Amy B.
MTH 320 813 58322 Foundations of Math for Tchrs 3 08/18/2025-12/11/2025 T 04:30 PM-07:30 PM Tolbert, Kelly R.